S&M Podcast – Major Arcana Matome Part 2


Greetings from the Sorcerer!

Two halves have made a whole and in this cast the Magician and I take the time to recap on the latter half of the major Arcana.  From Strength to the Universe, we wrap up the paths and take some time to unwind.  We hope that you enjoy as we prepare for the not so minor, nitty gritty of what is to come.  Take care gentle listeners and always waiting to hear from you.  Also my dear magician that is not how that works. Or is it?

Greetings from the Magician!

We take the time to wind down and recap the latter half of the Major Arcana.  From  Justice to the World!  We slice and dice the competition into pure balance and then create an entire universe from their remains!!!  Is that how that works, dear Sorcerer?  Maybe not.  Regardless, please enjoy the recap session that we offer to you in the meantime while we prepare ourselves for a new journey!  That’s right. With the minor arcana on the horizon, we make sure to look back at where we came from, the Major arcana.

Feel free to get in touch and let us know about the journey that you are having at SMPODCASTSM@GMAIL.COM !

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