S&M Nights – The Phoenix!

S&M Cast Portrait with the Phoenix 7.2017

Greetings from the Sorcerer,

Dear Listeners as you know the Magician and I, from time to time, take time to relax and unwind, have a drink and chat.  However, when the cards speak, when the book of secrets opens, a little dust flies and you never know what you will get.  Well perhaps you the dear listeners will. Enjoy our chat with the ever-burning, the ever re-born Phoenix.

Greetings from the Magician,

Catching up with editing and arting, and with friends old and new!  What was supposed to be a casual cracking into the book of secrets ended up being a surprise visit from a supernatural entity.  What to do? Just as me and the dear Sorcerer always do, offer a cool beverage and sit down for a fireside chat with the Phoenix.  Please enjoy!

Interested in joining us in the pits of hell or perhaps via internet?  Send us your thoughts at SMPODCASTSM@gmail.com or check us out on facebook & twitter!

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1 Response to S&M Nights – The Phoenix!

  1. Lady Karai says:

    My dear Sorcerer and Magician,
    Thank you so much for taking care of my beloved Phoenix while he visited the Pitts of Hell. I have very much enjoyed your podcast so far, and the two of you have taught me a great deal. I am looking forward to more of your insight and your comfortable banter as you continue your journey.
    — Lady Karai


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