S&M Podcast – The Minor Arcana Primer!

S&M Tarot Minor Arcana Placeholder Image

Greetings from the Sorcerer!

Ha…. days, months, years… who knows.  You do, dear listener.  Thank you for sticking around and enjoying the podcast.  Here in the pits of hell the Magician and I are cracking away at the nitty-gritty of the minor arcana.  Please join us in the next incarnation of the Sorcerer Magician podcast.  Like the Phoenix we have risen again to bring you esoteric knowledge and well, hopefully, humiours insights into the tarot.  With that being said, let us start at the beginning, let us Ace this joint together.

Greetings from the Magician!

How long has it been exactly? Who knows? Whose counting? (It has been almost 3 months if not longer oh dear…)  Thanks for bearing with us as we slowly crawl back from our impromptu hiatus and get back on the horse so to speak.  A Ten-headed horse. A horse which may appear minor, but only in comparison with something major! Indeed, my slick metaphor is not lost on you I am sure!  Sit back and get ready for the next wave of the journey, but don’t look forward to new cards any time soon.  Doing the cast 4 at a time means it would take months between casts at my current rate so just enjoy the aces as placeholders for now until we get the other ones planned out.

Thanks as always for hanging in and giving us a listen.  Feel free to give us a message too if you would like at SMPODCASTSM@GMAIL.COM if you are feeling spry.

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