S&M Podcast – The Aces of the Minor Arcana

S&M Tarot Minor Arcana Placeholder Image

Greetings from the Sorcerer!

Hello again dear listeners!  Now that we have been primed and ready, let us plant the seeds and spring into something new.  The Aces have come in all their glory.  Take a walk with us once more as the Magician and I go down this winding path again, this time with the minor arcana!

Greetings from the Magician!

Do you feel it listener?  That spark of something new?  As the flowers beg to blossom and the pollen begins to destroy the entirety of my being utterly, a new season of podcasting begins!

Like the flowers and blossoms around us, may you be greeting with happiness, good smells, and ideally not terrible sneezing fits.  Well, may they be fits of laughter instead.

Also, something about the minor arcana goes here.  Send us an E-mail!~


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